Intent for eCommerce Trading & Merchandising

Respond to needs in real time

Add a predictive lens to your online store. Prioritise appropriate trading levers based on customer intent and impact on revenue.

Tailor your store for every visitor

Trading is a game of balance. Of short and long term. Of pricing and margin. Of how to convert potential buyers without putting off browsers.

With Intent, you can align your product and promotions with customer buying stages in real time. From the content you show to only discounting when it pays.

More human selling

Sell in real time, like in real life

Our script lets you listen to the signals every visitor gives you. You know, like you would face-to-face. This lets you make your store more personal, by adapting it based on visitor buying stages, segments and affinities.


Know what lever will make the sale

Guess what happens when you optimise product placements and promotions based on what your customers tell you? More revenue. More relevance. More good news in your weekly meeting.

Repeatable growth

See what impacts performance

Intent gives you actionable, behavioural insights on visitor purchase journeys.

You can quantify the impact of merchandising on buying stages with dashboards and reports. You can also add this data to all your crucial tech, with integrations for everything from CDPs to experience tools.

Why Ecommerce teams Love intent

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Trading use cases

Understand the intent of visitors

Made With Intent gives ecommerce teams an overview of their visitors’ intent and how well they progress it. It lets you get closer to your customers’ buying stages through a proven, predictive framework.

Target visitors who are likely to exit

Made With Intent gives you predictive intent metrics on how likely a visitor is to exit. This lets you target abandoning segments with appropriate interventions, before they move to leave.

Engage visitors who are just browsing

Encourage engagement from browsers to make it more likely they turn into buyers—now or in the future. Action Made With Intent’s Engage phase segments to promote product discovery and email nurture.

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